Soap and Water
Hard and Soft Water
A nice bar of soap will lather well with hard or soft water, but soap does lather way better in soft water. Continue reading
A nice bar of soap will lather well with hard or soft water, but soap does lather way better in soft water. Continue reading
Lately I have had a few people asking me about shrink wrapping their soap, I guess one of the benefits to this is that people will not touch the soap, put it to their noses when smelling it (that one always drives me nuts) but is wrapping it in shrink wrap good for your soap?
This question can be answered by what type of soap your are making, shrink wrapping melt and pours soap works well, but for cold process the consensus is that it needs to breathe. So…. Continue reading
Making your own laundry soap can save you a lot of money, but not only that you know what goes into the product that will wash your clothing, bedding, etc.
There are some very harmful chemicals in some products on the market today and washing your cloths with them and then wearing those cloths puts those chemicals close to your body.
I suffered terribly from excema for years and that was one of the reason I started making soap, but that’s not where it stopped. I began to make laundry soap as well and we grow as much of our own food as we can – that’s another subject. Continue reading
Olive oil for hair…..Yes! Olive oil is amazing for your hair, and thankfully being a soap maker I have lots of it.
My hair was getting damaged from the sun, cold winter, and our hard water, I had tried many conditioners, but nothing seemed to work.
One day as I was pouring Olive oil into a batch of soap I was making it dawned on me that I use Olive oil for my skin on a regular basis, but not my hair so I started putting it in my hair. Continue reading
DYI Soap Labels
There are many creative ways to wrap and label you soap. Continue reading
Kit are available for the crafter starting out making soap. These kits supply everything you need to make a few bars of soap, the oils, scents and colors are all included.
You can get these through soap supply stores or even on-line through E-bay or Amazon.
House of Crafts Organic Soap Making Kit
If you want to buy individual oils, scents and colors for making your own soap it can sometimes be tricky trying to get the best price.
I will offer some suggestions on where you might be able to find handmade soap supplies. Continue reading
Cleansing with Mud Face Masks has been around since ancient times.
Clay Masks help to remove the impurities from your pores and tighten them while toning your skin. Continue reading
Scenting your soap can be an artistic process in itself, the most natural way to color your soap is by using essential oils, but there are some very nice synthetic oils out there too. Mixing or combining different scents can also produce some wonderful-smelling soaps. Continue reading
The soapwort in my rock garden is starting to flower. This is one of my favorite flowers, not only is it beautiful and flowers from June to September, but it has many uses.
Soapwort (Saponaria) has been know for thousands of years for its ability to produce a soap like lather when crushed in water.
See Soapwart Recipe below
When looking for natural hair and skin care products it’s important to read the labels because not all “Natural” products are the same. Some will have the natural label, but still contain chemicals such as the ones listed below.