Wholesale Handmade Soap or Sell it yourself?

How to Sell Homemade Soap

Soap Price – finding the right price

When learning how to sell homemade soap the right price is key.

First you will want to find out how much each bar or soap costs to make, this will help to determine what you can wholesale your soap for as well as selling it retail.

A few years ago I took the time to figure out how much each one of my ingredients cost were per gram and ounce. This was a tedious project, but it gave me a real clear idea of how much it cost to make my soap. Continue reading

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Essential Oils that Repel Ticks

Essential Oils that Naturally Repel Ticks

A great tick repellent for humans

Tick RepellentAvoid Lyme disease from Ticks with Essential Oils

You have probably heard that a tick bite can lead to contracting Lyme disease, but researchers are also learning that ticks can also transmit other dangerous diseases. Continue reading

Posted in Skin Care | 4 Comments

Olive Oil – Gentle enough for Babies

Olive oil is gentle enough for babies, most babies soaps are made using olive oil.  This is the oil I use the most of in my soap making

The benefits of Olive oil in skincare have been known for thousands of years, in Egypt, it was being sold for Cosmetic uses as far back as 1500 BC.

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Posted in Soap and Skin Loving Oils | 18 Comments

Soap Making Molds – you can use just about anything

Silcone Soap Mold

Silicone Soap Mold

You can use just about anything for a soap making mold, just as long as you can pour and release your soap.  A simple mold would be a lined cardboard box.

But without a doubt you will need to decide what your going to be pouring the soap into before starting out.

Soap molds come in all kinds of shapes and sizes so if your plan is to turn this hobby into a small or large business doing Craft Fairs, festivals, gift shows and selling to retail stores, then you will want to consider the size and shape of the bars you want to sell, and how many you will want to make per batch. Continue reading

Posted in Soap Making Equipment | 6 Comments

Soap Making Books – These books will get you started

The top three soap-making books

The selection of soap-making books are the market is many, I have a few books, but the following are the ones I like the best, some books are just so good you keep them around forever.  I have these three books and the pages are soaked with oil and warn out from much use over the years. Continue reading

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Homemade Soap Gift Sets

Whether you are making soap to sell or making it as gifts for family and friends, gift sets are great for all kinds of occasions.

The possibilities are endless…use your imagination and make some wonderful gift sets for that next craft fair or event you are attending.  You don’t have to limit it to soap, make some nice bath salts to add to your basket or box. Continue reading

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Reduce Inflammation Diet

Can changing your diet really help to reduce inflammation?  Yes it can, but be aware of other problems that can occur.  Maybe not for everyone, but when removing one thing from the body it can react and cause other problems as we have found out.

foods that fight inflammation

My husband had suffered from terrible inflammation and joint pain and over the years we have tried many things including: Continue reading

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How to Color Soap – Spices, Herbs, Plant Oils

How to color soap naturallyscreen-shot-2016-11-24-at-11-11-55-pm

Natural colorants are amazing, but it takes time to get the process down and figure out  what color you are going to get.

With natural ingredients  you’ll find that a red color you have produced with infusions looks wonderful, but that color can change  and look very different when mixed with the lye and then again after your soap is cured it can be a totally different color again.

So if you are looking for consistency in the color of your soap you may want to stick to oxides and micas – here is an article you may want to read Oxides and Micas Continue reading

Posted in Making Soaps | 26 Comments

Natural Soap Making – so you want to start making your own soap

Make Natural Soap Bars

Natural Soap making can be a fun hobby, but I have to warn you it can be very addictive as well.

I started making soap for myself a long time ago and found there were so many colors and scents to play with that soon I had more soap than my friends, family, and myself needed so I started selling it.  The more I made, the more different colors and scents, and techniques I wanted to try so….if you Continue reading

Posted in Making Soaps | 4 Comments

What to do if you get Lye on your skin?

How to Neutralize Lye

I’ve been making soap for many years and am very cautious when it comes to lye, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t experienced the affects of a lye splash on my skin.   It hurts!Pour Lye into Water to Make Soap

There are many articles out there on the Internet that talk about what to do if you get lye on your skin and some recommend using vinegar to neutralize lye.  Please don’t use this method.

When I first starting making soap I was prepared with my big bottle of vinegar just incase!  Well the day came that I felt an itch and realized it was actually a splash of lye/water.

I was pouring the lye/water into my oils and it splashed up and there was a spot of bare skin between my gloves and the sleeve of the shirt I was wearing.

I put vinegar on the splash and it got hotter and the pain became very intense.  I learned that day DO NOT USE VINEGAR to neutralize a lye burn!

The vinegar reacts to the lye and actually heats it up more; where as just plain water dilutes and weakens it.  If you get lye on your skin simply flush it with water, which is what I did the next time I was splashed, and it worked much better.

That day I made sure to check some more reliable sources and printed out the MSDS sheets.  If you are making soap it’s important to do this.  That was a big error on my part and I’m lucky it was just a splash I received and not a larger burn or I would be scarred today.

Please read and print out a copy of the MSDS Sheet for Sodium Hydroxide

So your making soap and you spill some of your lye/water mix on your hand, it starts to itch what do you do?

Grab the vinegar?Vinegar

It is true that vinegar will neutralize sodium hydroxide, but it will also release an energy that will increase the heat…..and that can further burn your skin.

Rubbing or splashing vinegar onto a lye splash will cause a thermal burn over the chemical burn you already have.

You would have to use about 3 litres of vinegar poured directly on a small splash of lye in order to neutralize a burn with vinegar.

The burn will lessen as it is diluted – running water over the burn would be a much better option.

Flush with water?


When water is added to Lye it heats up.  The more water that is added the more diluted the sodium hydroxide becomes, making it the best neutralizer for a lye burn.  Just pour lots of water, the more water the more diluted.

I have a sink with a tap in my soap making room and it’s right there easy to use in the event of a spill.

Other things to know about using Sodium Hydroxide and Soap Making

Storing your lye – Make sure your container is clearly marked “lye” and properly labeled “poison”  When I order my lye, it comes in clear bags, I pour it into 5 gallon pails that are clearly marked and closed with lids that snap on tightly

If you spill dry lye – sweep it up as soon as possible and mop the area with cold water.  You can spray a vinegar/water solution to neutralize the area but only after mopping with water.

Always wear protective clothing when using lye ie: goggles and gloves

If you get lye on your skin – follow the MSDS instructions of flushing the area immediately with lots of water.

Pouring your lye – When I pour lye into my container to make soap.  I always put it in the sink – this way there is no danger of it getting knocked onto the floor or spilled onto the counter.

Protect yourself from getting lye on your skin

Goggles – make sure the googles you purchase cover and protect your eyes well.

These ones can be purchased on Amazon, they are great fitting chemical splash goggle; which is what you need for soap making.  They are reasonably priced at just $20.40 cdn and a must for your soap room.

Pyramex Anti-Fog Chemical Splash Goggle

Chemical Resistant Gloves will help to protect your hands from any lye splashes or spills.  These Gloves can be purchased an Amazon for $15.30 cdn

Chemical Resistant Gloves 14inch, PVC Coated Gloves, Cotton Fleece Lining, One Size (Wells Lamont 167L)


Goggles and Gloves are two very important personal protective items when working with chemicals like lye, but it is also important to protect your body so a good chemical resistant apron would also be a great investment in your soap room.

The apron pictured here is full length for better protection than a short apron and can be purchased on Amazon for $17.99 cdn.

Surblue Waterproof Apron Chemical Resistant Work Safe Clothes (Black)

Purchasing these three items are probably the most important items in your soap room, helping to protect you from a potential accident or lye splash, but not only that the apron keeps your clothing from getting oils stains etc.   So for just over $50.00 you can purchase these items and be better protected when working with lye.

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