Soap Making Terms

Soap making Terms, soap making, handmade soap

Have you ever been confused by the many soap making terms and abbreviations that are mentioned on websites or in recipes. Well here is a pretty good list of abbreviations and terms to help you through. Continue reading

Posted in Making Soaps, Miscellaneous | 2 Comments

Winter Skin

screen-shot-2016-10-19-at-10-13-35-pmThe winter months can get very cold, sucking the moisture out of the air and leaving us with a very dry environment.

This dry environment can be hard on our skin.

Now when you add the winds, freezing temperatures and indoor heat the dry air will become much worse, and as the temperatures drop so does the humidity and humidity below 30% can really wreak havoc on your skin. Continue reading

Posted in Skin Care | 4 Comments

Cannabis and Pain Management

Cannabis and Pain Management

Cannabis Plant

Cannabis Plant

As more research has been done into the use of Cannabis and pain management we are also learning about the other cannabinoids that make up this plant and that they vary depending on the strain.

Cannabinoid THC

THC is a cannabinoid found in cannabis plants – we all know that THC is what gives a person that high feeling, or stoned as some people call it. Continue reading

Posted in Cannabis | 4 Comments

Benefits Lavender Essential Oil

About Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender is a perennial herb native to Europe, the Mediterranean, East Africa, Southwest Asia and Southeast India. The lavender plant grows to a height between 18 and 24 inches and have gray feathery leaves. The flowers grow on spikes above the leaves and range in color from light to dark purple.

It requires about 250 pounds of lavender to produce about 16 ounces of essential oils.

Aroma –The scent of Lavender is described as sweet, herbal and floral. The scent is said to calm the mind, help to ease tension and stress as well as relax the body, mind and spirit. Continue reading

Posted in Essential Oils | 6 Comments

Directions to make soap

Suffering from Eczema most of my life I began making my own soap when I was in my twenties.  It took a long time of testing and trying before I came up with some recipes that really worked well for me.

natural soap recipe, making soap

Some of my handmade soap ready for the market

Natural soap recipes are by far the best! 

Soap made with skin loving oils will help to keep your skin moisturized, which in my case I found to be half the battle with the eczema. Continue reading

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Get Rid of Head Lice

screen-shot-2016-11-13-at-9-45-25-pmHead lice those dreaded tiny insects that almost every child seems to have at one time or another, there are ways to get rid of these nasty creatures naturally and learn some other home remedies.

How to get rid of Head Lice

What is head lice?

Head lice is a tiny, wingless insect that feeds on tiny amounts of blood that is draws from the scalp.  They live on the scalp among the hairs.  The term lice refers to more than one. One is referred to as a Louse. Continue reading

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Roses – the benefits of Roses are many

RoseWild Roses grow like weeds in the area we live in, I pick the rose hips every year and make infused oils for soaps and lotions and jellies and purees for a food source during the winter.

Rose hips are rich in vitamins A, B, E and K and one rose hip contains more Vitamin C than one orange.   Continue reading

Posted in Skin Care, Uncategorized | 6 Comments

Rosemary Essential Oil Benefits

About Rosemary

Rosemary, Rosemary EO, Rosemary Essential OilRosemary may also be called “dew of the sea” or “anthos” it is a perennial her native to the Mediterranean Region.  The leaves of this plant are needle-like with small flowering tops that can be white, pink, blue or purple.

Rosemary is a drought tolerant plant, easy to grow and very resistant to pests.

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Witch Hazel Benefits

Witch Hazel Benefits and Uses

An inexpensive useful Herb

Witch Hazel (Hammamelis Virginiana) grows naturally in some parts of North America, from Ontario east in Canada into South Florida and Texas.

The oil itself comes from the leaves and twigs of the tree and is an incredible astringent. Continue reading

Posted in Essential Oils | 4 Comments

Activated Charcoal Soap Recipe

Activated Charcoal Soap Recipe

charcoal soap, soap recipe, making soap, handmade soap

Here is some charcoal soap I have curing – it will cure for approximately 4 weeks before being labeled for sale

Learn how to make Activated Charcoal Soap with this easy DIY Soap Recipe

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