Benefits Charcoal Soap

Black Soap (Charcoal Soap)

Benefits of Black Soap
It sounds bizarre, but activated charcoal is used in natural soaps and cleansers all over the world and has a number of different benefits. It has been used for thousands of years by many cultures.

Most notably, the ancient Egyptians used activated charcoal in poultices to keep wounds clean and free of infection because of its natural disinfectant properties.

It has also been used as an antidote to poisons and to detoxify the body. Continue reading

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Hemp Seed Oil Uses

Hemp Seed Oil Uses 

The Benefits of Using Hemp Seed Oil in Skin Care

Have you ever used hemp lotion or hemp soap? My skincare regimen consists largely of these products. It makes a big positive impact on the look and feel of my skin. Continue reading

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Dead Sea Mud Soap Recipe

Benefits of Dead Sea Mud Soap

This is what your bar of Dead Sea Mud Soap will look like

Dead Sea Mud Soap contains the salt and mud from the Dead Sea which are known to be beneficial for our skin and bodies.  Just soaking in a bath of Dead Sea Salt once a week can help to remove toxins from our body….so why not clean with a bar of soap made with this wonderful mud. Continue reading

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Dead Sea Mud Benefits

Benefits of Dead Sea Mud

Dead Sea Mud and its Benefits to Us

The minerals that are found in the Dead Sea are known to improve the health and appearance of skin.

The mud and salt from the Dead Sea have very high concentration of several minerals that can help with appearance flaws and skin ailments.

The benefits of using Dead Sea Mud Soap can be instrumental in improving the skin’s condition, or any skin care product that contains Dead Sea Mud.

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Coffee Soap Recipe

Handmade Coffee Soap Recipe

Coffee Soap Recipe

Maybe your asking why a Coffee Soap Recipe?  Why would I want to put coffee in my soap?

Coffee grounds act like an exfoliate helping to remove dead skin cells from the top layer of your skin.  This helps to reveal the smooth, new skin underneath.

These grounds are gritty, but not abrasive, making the perfect exfoliate. Continue reading

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Simple Halloween Recipe

Simple Halloween Recipes
Making Halloween soap can be so much fun.  Using melt and pour and some colors you can get the kids involved.

I used to do this with my grandkids when they were young, they so wanted to make soap just like Grandma, so I would buy melt and pour and molds and they would create and make their own soaps.

Ideas for Halloween Soap

Here is a nice example of putting a spider in a soap mold

Add little plastic spiders or small rubber worms, these can be found at most dollar stores. Continue reading

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Melt and Pour Soap Recipe

Melt and Pour is probably the easiest and safest way to make soap.  You don’t have to use sodium hydroxide (lye) and there is practically no mixing involved.

M&P Soap comes in blocks and can be purchased in solid white blocks, clear glycerin blocks.

In the last few years there has been more M&P soaps on the market that are healthier and don’t contain the harmful chemicals that used to be found in this product.

But in saying that, be sure to ask the questions and find out what is in the base your buy. Continue reading

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Soap Making Recipes

basic soap making recipes

Over the years, I have created many soap recipes some worked well others were to soft or to hard so I always went back to my basic few.  Here are 5 of the basic recipes I use when making my soap.

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Important Product Knowledge

Important Product KnowledgeProduct Knowledge is becoming more and more important as many people are getting on the bandwagon of making natural skin care products at home and selling them at farmer’s markets.

Not all these people are schooled in the knowledge of essential oils, skin care oils or the types of containers that should be used to contain their finished product.  Some of them are out there putting a concoction together with cheap oils and containers with no thought other than the dollar bills they will be taking home with them from the market. Continue reading

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Beer Soap Benefits – Beer Soap Recipe

I had never thought about making Beer soap until a microbrewery in our area approached me…. and to my surprise, it has become one of my favorite soaps, and the beer soap benefits are so good…..who would have thought washing with beer soap would be so good.

So..what is beer soap made out of?

Well, beer…when making beer soap the water is replaced with beer and wow what an amazing soap!  You would think it might smell of beer but it doesn’t.  Instead, it takes on the aroma of the hops and extracts that are used in the beer-making process.

There are so many different types of beer giving you a great variety to choose from, each beer will give the soap a slightly different color or scent.

Making a bar of soap out of your favorite beer is just not as simple as replacing the water with beer.  There is a process first to prepare the beer before making soap, read about the benefits, and then learn how to process your beer before making soap below.

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Posted in Making Soaps, Recipes | 22 Comments