6 responses

  1. Jim
    September 16, 2019

    Wow Tes. Thanks a huge document that they could have summarized down to a few paragraphs. It’s great to hear you aren’t breaking any laws and that you can go ahead and continue to use some of the fantastic Cannabis products available. I hope that we will soon see similar laws past in Australia. We have come a log way and certain hemp varieties can now be grown in most of our states. Thank you for printing this information on your blog. Hopefully anyone with any doubts will read it. Jim 


    • Tes
      September 16, 2019

      Thanks Jim, it is long, but we need the information in order to make sure we are all compliant.


  2. Willy
    September 16, 2019

    This is a really great improvement I must confess. The legalization of cannabis would really go a long way to not just help boost efficiency in health sector but also make a lot of people use it freely when they like for private reasons.  Adding cannabis and hemp to products can be good sometimes for efficiency of products and it can be advisable to be used when necessary without abuse. Thanks for this great review.


    • Tes
      September 16, 2019

      Thanks for your comments Willy, it’s always great to hear what people have to say.  Adding Cannabis and Hemp to products can be very valuable.  


  3. Daniel
    September 16, 2019

    Hello, I must say that your article is very helpful and informative. I already heard that Cannabis is actually healthy and it can significantly help in some health conditions, I am glad you talked about this as many people still doubt, in this plant. Thank you for sharing, I will definitely share it with my friends.


    • Tes
      September 16, 2019

      Thanks Daniel.  Yes please feel free to share so people can be informed.  


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