Natural Hair Growth

Strong Healthy Hair Tips

Natural hair Care

Grow your hair faster longer

The average person’s hair will grow about half and inch a month or close to 6 inches a year, but there are people and I know a few that have hair that grows very fast, and others that have very slow growing hair. Continue reading

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How to treat Hair Loss Naturally

Essential Oils for Hair Loss

How to Treat Hair Loss Naturally

Men are far more likely to lose hair than women, or it’s far more noticeable because men tend to lose hair due to pattern baldness, where women usually lose theirs from thinning.

There are many reasons why you may suffer from hair loss.  some of them are as follows: Continue reading

Posted in Hair Care | 2 Comments

Can Gray Hair be Reversed?

What causes premature Gray Hair








What causes gray Hair?

Melanocytes cells in your hair follicles contain Melanin, which contain pigments of color; this is what determines the color in your hair.   As you get older these cells slow down the production of pigment, which is what causes our hair to go gray. Continue reading

Posted in Hair Care | 2 Comments

Color Homemade Soap – Is color bad for you?

Soap Color Options

Oxides and Ultramarines

OxidesSometimes natural is not always the best thing.

These colors are not technically natural, since they are a manufactured product; they do however duplicate natural occurring minerals and are produced for their purity. Continue reading

Posted in Making Soaps | 2 Comments

Castile Soap Recipe


Castile SoapCastile soap, the name came from an olive oil based soap that originated in the Castile region of Spain.

It was originally made with Olive oil and still is made this way in may parts of the work.  It can either be a liquid soap made with Potassium Hydroxide or a bar soap made with Sodium Hydroxide. Continue reading

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Best Soap Calculator

Lye Soap Calculator

Calculating  your oils, lyes and the size of the mold needed when making your own soap needs to be pretty accurate for your soap to turn out well.  There are some really good online calculators.

I have used Majestic Mountain Sage Lye Soap Calculator for a long time and I think it is the best soap calculator.

I like that fact that you can calculate using ounces, pounds or grams. Continue reading

Posted in Making Soaps | 1 Comment

Sodium Lactate and Soap

What is Sodium Lactate

Sodium lactate and soap

Sodium Lactate is the salt of lactic acid, it is produced by fermenting a sugar source such as corn or beets.  It is a liquid but also comes in powder form as well where it is often used as a preservative in food.

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Posted in Making Soaps | 7 Comments

Coconut Oil and Health Benefits

Coconut Oil and Health Benefitscoconut oil and hair growth, benefits of coconut oil

Coconut oil has been called one of the super foods for this decade. According to some studies, ingesting coconut oil helps an individual become healthier when used regularly. Continue reading

Posted in Soap and Skin Loving Oils, Uncategorized | 4 Comments

Apricot Kernel Oil Uses

Apricot Kernel Oil Benefits and Uses

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Athlete Foot Treatment

Athlete Foot Treatment with Essential Oils

Athlete’s foot is a common condition that affects about 1 in 10 people.

Men are more likely to have this condition and about half of the people that have it will have recurring rashes because the fungus can survive in the cracks between the toes. Continue reading

Posted in Skin Care, Uncategorized | 4 Comments