14 responses

  1. Jolita
    July 18, 2016


    Really amazing article! I’ve never heard about Neem Oil before and I had now idea it can help to heal and prevent acne which is one of my biggest problems for many years.

    The first acne zit on my back appeared maybe 7 years ago and now with age it’s better than it was but still it gets very bad at times.

    For sure I will get this to try!

    Thank you,


    • Teresa
      July 18, 2016

      I’m glad you found this article helpful. Neem has been used in India for many years. They call it the “Curer of all” It really is an amazing oil


  2. Deedee
    August 1, 2016

    Wow — I had never heard of Neem oil before reading this, but it sounds like a really incredible product. I wonder why there hasn’t been more in the media about it before now, especially about its rejuvenating effects! I do have a question for you: my daughter suffers from several of the different conditions that you described it could help with — dry skin, dry/coarse hair, and acne. Is there one product that can be used for all of these, or would I need to get different ones for each? Thanks again for the information!


    • Teresa
      August 2, 2016

      Hi Deedee, yes Neem Oil is really beneficial for many things. My grandson suffered from eczema on his scalp and we used Neem Cream – would rub it in at night and soon it was gone, but a Neem Shampoo can probably be used for all the conditions you mention. Here is a link to a site that has some wonderful Neem Products.


  3. Mike
    August 1, 2016

    I have to say I really like the look of your site! It’s very clean, easy to read and filled with good information. Well done! I’ve never heard of Neem oil, but I think you’re onto something. It’s incredible how much damage our skin and hair takes from the weather, sun, and other variables. Have a natural solution to combat this problem is great!


    • Teresa
      August 2, 2016

      Thanks for your comments Mike, I’m glad you like the site. I have suffered from skin conditions all my life, the information I have on the site is also based on personal knowledge. Our skin is the largest organ our body has, keeping it healthy is important.


  4. Patrick
    October 19, 2016

    Neem oil is fascinating, have not heard of this until your post and I can say official I am intrigued.

    Especially for the practical uses it has for immune system boosting, disease prevention and the great effects it has on skin and its health benefits in numerous other areas.

    It’s just crazy how many plants and herbs out there we had no idea or clue about can be used for so many health benefits.

    While we’re being bombarded with chemicals, salt and sugar. Here in nature we have all the things to make our lives better.

    Thanks for this information.


    • Teresa
      October 20, 2016

      I believe everything we need grows on this earth. I find it fascinating as well and am always learning more. Thanks for stopping by the site.


  5. Jag
    October 21, 2018

    Neem oil sounds like a wonder oil. My daughter has acne which we have a hard time dealing. Right now she is using retin A, but I would rather she something more natural. We tried tea tree oil, but she had a reaction to it. I am going to look into neem oil to see if it will help.


    • Tes
      October 21, 2018

      Neem might be a great natural alternative for your daughter.  Tea tree is good, but sometimes to drying to the skin, whereas the neem will not dry her skin.  I hope this works well for her.


  6. Monika
    October 21, 2018

    Very interesting I did not know that neem can be used as a pest control product as it is safe for humans.

    Another interesting point you made here is that neem oil or cream is very helpful in the fight for foot and nail fungus, that is a very interesting bit of information.

    Very helpful and informative article on the power of neem oil and creams.


    • Tes
      October 21, 2018

      Neem has been known as the curer of all for a great reason.  So many ways it can be used and beneficial.  Rub a bit on your skin when out on a summer night and the mosquito’s will stay away.


  7. Vik
    October 21, 2018

    Hi Teresa,

    Your article is really informative.

    I have never used neem oil before, heard that neem sticks/branches could have been used for brushing your teeth and for making them really strong.

    Maybe I should even look at neem oil for acne in addition to hemp seed oil you have also written about 🙂

    I wish you all the best 🙂



    • Tes
      October 21, 2018

      Yes the neem sticks and branches have been used for brushing teeth.  They used to use them in India, I’m sure some people still do.  The only thing I don’t like about Neem oil is the scent.  It really does have a terrible scent, but the benefits are so great I can put up with it.


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