Sea Salt in Soap
There seems to be a growing popularity of sea salt in soap. There are many different sea salts you can use and certainly the salts have wonderful benefits to our skin. Continue reading
There seems to be a growing popularity of sea salt in soap. There are many different sea salts you can use and certainly the salts have wonderful benefits to our skin. Continue reading
Sea Salt soaps can help to draw toxins form the body, reduce inflammation and nourish your skin with minerals. Continue reading
Psoriasis on you scalp or other parts of your body – you will find info and home remedies to lesson your skin condition. Continue reading
How to become a Vendor
Most Farmers Markets have an application form you will need to fill out. Usually there will be a membership fee to pay and the fee for your space.
I have found that most Farmers markets will have a Flat Rate fee you can pay for the season, this will often hold your space so you are not moved around to different spots.
Most markets will also allow you to pay per market, if you are there every week they will probably put you in the same spot, but if your are a new vendor often they get shuffled around the market to whatever available spot they have. Continue reading
I can speak from personal knowledge on how terrible it is to suffer from itchy skin, having suffered from Eczema I can remember times I’d be so itchy and miserable.
Growing up at home our soap was Irish Spring. Continue reading
Most soap makers will have a library of books and DVD’s from when they first started making soap. I have quite a few, and some I still refer to.
If you are like me, I prefer to read a book, make notes and highlight the important parts. So for me it is important to have those reference books handy as well as a computer. Continue reading
Interest in soap making or making your own is becoming increasingly popular within the last few years.
Wonderful skin friendly soaps are being made and sold by soap specialists who mix vegetable oils, essential oils, herbs and/or botanicals and clays to
create these incredible moisturizing bars. Continue reading
Amazon Price: $62.05
Juice Beauty: $50.00 (click on the picture below to go to Juice Beauty’s website.
I have to give it to Juice Beauty for coming out with such wonderful products, with certified organic ingredients, rich in antioxidants that give wonderful results in reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Continue reading
Eco-friendly labeling is about designating environmentally friendly products, as known as green and nature friendly, and are all synonyms used to refer to good sand services considered to inflict minimal or no harm on the environment.