6 responses

  1. carol
    November 9, 2016

    Hello Teresa,
    I just turned 40 and I have been trying to find an anti-wrinkle skin care product. I have tried a few but haven’t been completely satisfied. Now, I do not have any wrinkles, yet but that is what I am trying to stop, aren’t we all. My main problem is everything dries my skin out and I have oily skin well a little. But my skin is more on the oily side then the dry. I am going to look into the juice-beauty anti-aging products.


    • Teresa
      November 13, 2016

      Hi Carol. I think you would benefit from Juice Beauty Products. When you use natural skin care products they don’t have the drying affect that some of the other products out there have.

      Some articles you may want to read for more info on dry skin Creams for Dry Skin or Winter Skin


  2. Matt’s Mom
    November 9, 2016

    You know, I have been looking for really good anti-aging products. I read your post and so that made me do some more investigating. What I found is really great reviews. I am going to give these a try as I am out of skin care products. Hoping to get them before I head on vacation 🙂


    • Teresa
      November 14, 2016

      This product does have excellent reviews. Hope you get them before your vacation. I know you’ll love them.


  3. Netz
    November 9, 2016

    I have so many friends and family that are chemical intolerant. Juice Beauty sounds like it would be a great product for them to try. I will definitely be sending them a link to this page. I am also always in the market for good organic skincare products because my skin has a unique character all its own!


    • Teresa
      November 13, 2016

      Of all the products out there I think Juice Beauty is one of the best, organic skincare products are so much better.


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