8 responses

  1. michael
    September 28, 2016

    eczema can be such a hard infirmity to treat. I think using natural products is always going to be the best method as they seem to be more delicate than products filled with too many chemicals.

    Do you have a favorite brand or line of products that you use? My oldest son has fair skin and is prone to getting eczema rashes.


    • Teresa
      September 28, 2016

      I use soap and lotions from Just 4 U Soaps and the Arts Natural Scalp Coal Tar Shampoo – (you can find a link to it at the bottom of the article) It sure can be a battle to treat because everyones skin seems to react to different things. Good luck and I hope this helps your son.


  2. Alexander
    October 21, 2018

    I am allergic if my skin comes into contact with grass or weeds. When I was I kid I had a severe reaction to a vine in the backyard and the doctors thought I might go blind. I like to joke that I am allergic to yard work 🙂

    I can also have a reaction to certain laundry detergents.

    I really like using natural soaps all the time. My Mom wants to maybe make her own natural soaps, but she’s waiting for her herb garden to mature more so she can use the herbs for the soaps. I’m looking forward to using her soaps if she ever actually makes them.


    • Tes
      October 21, 2018

      I hear you Alexander, I always got out of haying because I was so allergic my eyes would swell shut.  Of course when the neighbour kids asked if I wanted to go build a fort out of hay bales I’d forget I was allergic and suffer later lol.  That’s so nice your Mom makes soap for you.  I bet it’s going to be so nice with herbs from her garden.


  3. Vaughn
    October 21, 2018

    Our young daughter sometimes breaks out in rashes, we think it down to whatevers chemicals are inside household cleaners and and like you mentioned the soaps we use. I have found the everyday soap really dries out your skin and always windered if that had something to do with setting off reactions.


    • Tes
      October 21, 2018

      Hi Vaughn as an allergy sufferer myself the laundry soap and bar soap was where I started to change things.  If you are interested in making your own here are a couple links that your may be interested in.  The laundry soap really is pretty easy to make and when you think about it.  Everything we wear touches our skin, so laundry soap is a good place to start.

      Handmade Laundry Soap Recipe

      Soap Making Recipes


  4. Donnie
    October 21, 2018

    Thanks for some really good information. I think it is so important for non sufferers to understand what the sufferer has to go through and unfortunately the stigma that society puts on these people.I think it is important to recognize the side effects of some of the treatments such as weight gain with the corticosteroids and heart palpitations associated with the antihistamines. I could go on for ever but you have done such a fantastic job..


    • Tes
      October 21, 2018

      Thanks Donnie, some people just have no idea what it’s like to have allergies.  I think they are very lucky.  I can’t imagine life without allergies.


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