Essential Oils for Healing
Essential Oil blends can be beneficial with their healing benefits. Aromatherapy can be incorporated into your daily life, using essential oils that can be healing, soothing and up-lifting.

Natural Essential Oils
Here are some essential oils and the benefits that come from them, at the bottom of the page are blends that I have used for massage and bath oils.
Basil – Antidepressant, antiseptic used for muscle and joint pain. Oil of Basil is a great nerve tonic as it clears the head and helps to relieve fatigue.
Bergomot – Refreshing and Uplifting qualities, can help relieve stress
Frankincense – Helps to relieve stress – a great essential oil for medication and prayer as it is said to help slow dow and deepen the breath.
Lavender – relaxing and soothing
Orange – can be an appetite surpressent as well as a pick me up scent
Peppermint – helps clear mental fatique and relieve headaches
Rosemary – will help relieve headaches, clearn the mind and a wake up oil
Sandalwood – a great bedtime oil as it helps with insomnia
Rose Geranium – is great for headaches relieving stress as well as being an appetite suppressant
Essential Oil Blends – Recipes
If you suffer from sore or painful joints the next two essential oiil blends can help when added to massage oil – the recipe for massage oil can be found here.
Recipe for Joint Pain #1
- 4 drops Rosemary
- 2 drops Lavender
- 2 drops Geranium
Recipe for Joint Pain #2
- 3 drops Ginger
- 2 drops Rosemary
- 3 drops Chamomile
Wake me up blend
- 5 drops Rosemary
- 4 drops Lemon
- 6 drops Bergamot
Forbidden – this combination of oils I used in a soap I made. It has a real nice scent to it.
- 2 drops Ylang Ylang
- 3 drops Bay Rum
- 2 drops Cinnamin
- 2 drops White Thyme
- 1 drop Orange
Boost your Mood with this combination
- 2 drops Orange
2 drops Lavender
2 drops Frankincense
Relax and sleep well with this blend
- 3 drops Lavender
- 3 drops Roman Chamomile
Add these drops to 2 TBSP of carrier oil – double or triple the recipe for the amount of massage oil you require. When making your own essential oil blends be sure to store them in glass bottles as full strength essential oils can break down the plastic leaving your essential oils with an unpleasant smell.
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Oh wow, i didn’t know that essential oil have so many benefits and uses. I have seen a couple of people who have used i before in the past but didn’t think that it was this great. Learning about how to use essential oils and what the different one of them is used for is pretty cool. You have also given recipes for different things as well. Thank you for this, i am going to try using it at home for myself especially lavender and frankincense.
Im glad you liked the post, lavender and frankincense will make a lovely mixed scent. For more information you can have a look at this post How to use Essential Oils
Wow! Essential oils are really great for a number of things and it seems strange that I am just figuring out a lot of things and information about essential oils. Thanks for this. Blending them would actually be cool though I have never tried it out before but then, I have a very good feeling about them. I have lavender alone at home hence, I will have to get the rest so that I can start the blending sooner. Thanks
Lavender is a great essential oil it has been used for many years. Here is a link with more info Lavender Oil for you Benefits Lavender Essential Oil
Essential oils are really beneficial to human health in many ways, some which are still yet to be discovered. Healing is a very cogent benefit of essential oils and this is coming to different types of oils. Thanks for listing the types of essential oils and what they work for. My wife is so obsessed with some of these oils especially lavender oil and she makes use of it often. I’ll share this post to her, I’m sure she’s going to like it. I’ve learned a lot from this educative article, thanks for sharing it.
thanks for sharing my post with your wife. I like her really do like Lavender oil, it has so many wonderful benefits.
Benefits Lavender Essential Oil
Well, i guess te essential oils have so many uses according to your post here. This is something i am just learning but it is very nice to learn this. I have to say that i wasn’t expecting to see so much online like this. I didnt even know that there are so many essential oils like this. My mum is a big fan of using essential oils. I will share this post with here as well. I have learnt something new today all thanks to you.
Thanks for sharing my post John and for stopping by the website.
Blending essential oils is one thing I never knew of before reading it her. I know the health benefits of using essential oils and surely blending them would add more potency to them. This is rather great to see here. thanks so much for sharing all of this here. Trying them out myself would be a topper on my list and surly I would come back to share my experience here. Thanks
He Bella I look forward to hearing back from you.